January 20th-Thursday

Eh skiers….the Kicking Horse Fire Road is finally finished and groomed and track set all the way through! This is how challenging this year has been! Get out there and enjoy. Next project is working on clearing the Connector and getting it ready for the Yoho Challenge not even a month away! We can do this…..khsc.ca

Hello x country skiers & lovers of Yoho

As many of you may already know, the cross country ski club in Yoho is in trouble and its future is on thin ice. You are receiving this letter because we need everyone to come together in an effort to not let these trails get buried in the deep snow. I firmly believe that Parks Canada should assume responsibility for these trails and maintain them just as they do with all of the hiking trails in the area. My goal is to make them aware of this. Visitors from all over the world come to Yoho, they pay a park pay a fee and come to enjoy the splendour of Yoho’s winter wonderland; it only seems right that Parks Canada offer trails for these visitors to enjoy, just as they do in Lake Louise. For years now, dedicated enthusiastic cross country lovers from Field have been working tirelessly fund raising, maintaining the trails and promoting the area; we can’t keep expecting this of these people. The maintenance of our trails, is the job of Parks Canada. But you are not who I need to convince, you already know this. I would like to encourage you to write to Parks Canada explaining to them why you love to ski the trails in Yoho and or why these trails are important to you. Your letter need not be long, but it can be long. We are about to lose our trails. We can not let this happen. Bellow are the emails you can send your letters to. You can also just send them back to us and we will send them for you on your behalf. Your support as always is so very much appreciated. Thanks for your time. tracey.leblanc@canada.ca Tracey Leblanc townsite manager rick.kubian@canada.ca Rick Kubian Superintendent pc.llyklotissementsurbains-llyktownsites.pc@canada.ca General email If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me jcoffman@trufflepigs.com Jennifer Coffman 

For the record…..    As decided Dec 21/2021 

2021/2022 is Marilyn & Bruce’s last winter of heading things with KHSC ! 

     We are stepping aside!  Time for new energy to take over.

—We have lost our staging area at the Yoho Info Centre. Parks Canada’s “NO compromise rule put in place” to stop our sled from crossing the TCH at “One Mile Pond” to access the Tally Ho.  Now our Track setter Joe must be completely mobile —working off the trailer instead of sledding directly  from Field.

—100’s of ice covered trees have fallen and frozen into our trails.  This is them most challenging winter ever !  

—Our sled is old and failing—and so are most of the volunteer members!  60’s and 70’s is the average age and some having a 30 + history supporting Nordic Skiing in Yoho! 

—We are getting too old to do this work. 

We have lost our focus energy and enthusiasm. 

Time for us to pull out as we have been trying to do for years now. 

 —That being said…..  Come enjoy the trails we have now….and welcome whatever change may come for next winter.

                 Sincerely ,   Marilyn and Bruce