Re: The RSS feed (automatic email updates for subscribers– when you add a new post): We are working to set up a new one as the old service has been discontinued. Please just check the blog for updates for now.
Author Archives: Marilyn
Monday Dec 20th
The Kicking Horse Fire Road at the Natural Bridge is beautifully track set ! However–Joe did not make it completely to the end at the OtterHead River. Time was pressing to get going on the bridge at Emerald and to get those trails going for everyone’s Christmas present! So he’s on it….if all goes well there. We helped ski pack some of the fan….very sugary base!!! Set up one bench at the 3 o’clock spot. CRMR has the discounts set up on their website–online only–for you to book at Emerald Lake Lodge. Follow the same instructions as last year. Enjoy your Christmas/Solstice week. Skee ya later eh?
Dec. 17 Friday
Today Joe and Logan worked more trees on KHFR and they are not done yet!!!!! It will take another day–maybe 2. The trail has a beautiful single track for 5 kms. Dress warm!
Work has been accomplished on restoring our website …..Members are now added to this years list. 13 so far(4 from last years payments). The “Trail of Skees” is also up and running. You can use the “Contact us” link to send us an email and you can also get auto updates from our website by adding your email address to the box on the bottom of any page. Updates only come to your mailbox after 11 am cause the headquarters for WordPress is out of New York—-I think. Often too late to be the first on the trail– just the way it is.
The information page on the WINTER RENTALS at “The Boathouse” is still correct. They will be closed again this winter. Sorryyyyyy
Thursday Dec 16th
The boys will be working again today on the Kicking Horse Trail–near the end to the Otterhead River. Hoping this trail will be completed today and refreshed with the track setter. Thank you for your patience everyone. Still nothing at Emerald–but that’s next. Skee ya later eh?
Wed. Dec 15th
Bruce and I brought the sled into Golden yesterday and she’s ready to go again! I believe Joe will finish cutting trees on the Kicking Horse today and set a track. For now–it is skiable without a track. Next up is Emerald Lake with the bridge on the Fan and packing everything down. We need “volunteer” snowshoers on the Tree Hugger trail & maybe the steep hill going up to the Horse Trail— If you’re looking for an outdoor workout. Bring poles for balance.