Fresh new tracks

Hans was out at Emerald yesterday & says “There are fresh tracks on Horse Trail, Aluvian Fan and the lake shore trail(Tree Hugger), pretty slushy at the end of the lake so advise folks about that!”
Bruce and I skied the Kicking Horse and it was wonderful! A moose followed just BESIDE the track for 2-3 kms!


Our x-c fundraiser dinner will be on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 !!!
Mark your calendars, book your weekend and rooms to ski in Yoho!
Steven Lay from Field and Cathedral Mountain Lodge will be our chef. No menu yet–you’ll get that in the new year sometime–closer to the date.

Emerald Trails

After a week or more of beautiful clear skies, the lake froze up pretty good. Joe and Hans worked the trails and bridge on the alluvial fan with what they were given. There is a marginal trail–you can get by and this new snow coming should help. Still no trail on the ice–so it’s tuff to get to the Horse Trail on the walking path. It’s a start. And it’s snowing! The store and rentals will not be open this weekend yet. Likely the 12th and then full time by the 19th of Dec. Enjoy your skiing…

Ski to Ottertail Viewpoint & picnic table

We met Joe at the Natural Bridge-a few days ago after he just laid down a beautiful track on the Kicking Horse. He then headed up to Field Info to do the same. The skiing is fantastic and we have a newer picnic table to boast–at the viewpoint. Thanks to the Yoho Trail Crew this past fall. It was our first ski of the season–having just returned home from Ontario. We picked a great day! The snow is awesome…come on out and enjoy it.
Joe has just started to work on the Takkakkaw Falls Road. He SkiDoo packed a track to the switchbacks but was only able to lay a track down as far as the Meeting of the Waters—due to the locked gate. He could not get the heavy track setter over it. Hopefully by the next time he works that area the gate will be open.
We have not had any track on that road for a few years now so this will be fun for everyone.
AND—the Takkakkaw Falls Road is a the ONLY —DOG FRIENDLY track set trail in YOHO.
Stay posted…for more info.