Nice to have a bit of snow!

We got about 2″ at Emerald and it is lovely and soft…more to come we hope.
The Connector is still not ready! But all trails got better! Though we did get wind in the Field Valley–so expect the trails along the highway to be blown in. Yoho Blow Daze are in in Field–lots of fun games and such. Join in. X-C Downhill from the cemetery is late afternoon on Sunday. Have fun.

New Trail Open!!!

The MONARCH TRAIL is reopened over the last 2 days–thanks to track setter Joe and volunteers Pierre and Bruce.
This is our DOG FRIENDLY corner of Yoho– from Field(Yoho Trading Gas station) to Takkakaw Falls trailhead–carry your pruners and help out—there are lots of willows and such to navigate. DOGS & owners can carry on all the way to the switchbacks also. Joe re-track set Tak. Road yesterday. Come on out –you dog owners!
The Tally Ho was also done recently as well as the Kicking Horse fire road. Bruce and I skied it 3 days ago in blue skies, -3 temps and glideee as can be! Saw so many tracks….from moose(calf & cow) to mouse, lynx, num-ti-jah, squirrel, snowshoe rabbits, plus a drop in by a few grouse.
We got daylight till 6 pm now! And it’s getting better every day!!
Book your 30th Anniversary Deal at Emerald. Feb 16th !!! You need a reservation with the Lodge–even if you just come for the dinner only!! 250-343-6321
Ski your heart out.
OH–The Connector is still not ready—sorry. It is machine packed but we need more snow yet! Kind of like the ice trail leading away from the Avalanche area–HARD AND ICY….OUT OF OUR CONTROL!

Track Setters Pick !

Joe says–The Tally Ho trail from Field to Nat. Bridge is the best it will ever get– right now! Go ski it. He also refreshed trails at Emerald today–I had a few minutes to ski to the back on the Tree Hugger and it was like butter! What beautiful snow we are finally getting. Some slush on the lake–beware.
He plans to do the Kicking Horse fire road tomorrow and MAYBE put a track on the Connector????? How lovely!

Night time ski !!

We’re on a warming trend–get out there to ski.
Saturday Jan 14th at 8 pm at the Natural Bridge–you can join our coach Jessica for a night time ski.
Joe has been refreshing the trails at Emerald and here in the valley.
The Connector and Monarch still need more snow–Joe and Hans did run over the Connector a few times but it’s still pretty rough.
Thanks to Helen/Chris Read for bringing cookies for the track setters…! Cheers

Back in the track business again

Joe got all of these Emerald trail track set today…
Horse trail
Alluvial fan
And one run to the back–on the ice–but there is major slush!
He packed the Tree Hugger Trail just once–usable but no track yet.
The he set track on the Kicking Horse and Tally Ho to Field!
Tomorrow he plans to track set Takkakaw to the switchbacks.
The Connector and Monarch still have many deadfall trees to cut, and packing before we set track. Another big snowfall would be ideal for those 2 trails….but at least we have nice trails now! go ski them! And make your room booking for Emerald Lake Lodge!