Call out for helpers!

Kicking Horse and Tally Ho turned out beautifully!  That is your best bet !  Joe managed to pack along the trail to the uphill on the Horse Trail –got to the back of the lake, up on the Fan and close to the  first bridge( at 9 o’clock)–then got stuck for a few hours!!  Snow is very deep and hollow bottom there. He was able to turn around and try and widen the skidoo track on the way back. It will take a fair bit of work to get the fan packed!   We need snowshoers or fat boards with skins to break the trail first–and the more the merrier!  Get your friends together this weekend and come for a work out. Hopefully someone knows the general layout of the Fan Loop!   Call if you need more info!  Marilyn

We got the snow!

Joe plans to track set from Field to the Natural Bridge and down the Kicking Horse today!  No more woollies(twigs, mini trees) on the trail!  THEN–he plans to go pack at Emerald for the first time yet–staying off the lake and using the walking trail–up to the Horse Trail and off to the Fan !  He could be snorkelling !!! Not sure if he will have time to set a trail???  We will let you know how it goes when he reports in!

Let it snow–let it snow–let it snow!!!

TAK FALLS road has a good 1′ base and is double track set–Dogs allowed here!

And the boys hauled another older picnic table to the OtterTail Viewpoint on the Kicking Horse Road–got shovels at all 3 locations  along the way–and set a new track on the way home!  Way to go Joe & Bruce!!  See you on the trail tomorrow –should be sweet!

Tak Falls Road

Joe just put 2 tracks in on the road– for 5.5 km. one way.  About 10″ of snow and very dry but it’s a new place to ski and enjoy different scenery!

Construction at the Kicking Horse Campground continues and the road is open and all plowed to Cathedral Lodge. Probably still wise to park in the usual spot by Monarch Overflow by the open gate and ski in the bush.

Good news–we got a picnic table to replace the “missing” one on the Kicking Horse Fireroad at the beautiful viewpoint for the OtterTail Valley!!  Just gotta wait for more snow to get it down there.  Do your snow dance eh?

Natural Bridge to OtterHead River

Not too many words needed.  Great sun at 11 am at Emerald River and great tracks–to the missing picnic table at Ottertail viewpoint??  What is with that??? A lot of wooly bits along the trail but we have a good track!!  Tally-Ho is also done to the Natural Bridge–from town. A bit thin on the flats by the Info Hall.   Enjoy!!