Gorgeous conditions– it really does not get any better–& -6 degrees !!! Thank you Parks Canada trail crew for all the track setting you’ve done on the other side of the IRON CURTAIN over the years. We are so looking forward to seeing you on trails in the lower valley .
Category Archives: Trail Updates
Were getting there!
Finally got some good powder yesterday…the Tak Falls Road was ski set only (thank you to previous skiers). Still could feel the road with poles but lovely all the same. Best part–it warmed up !!!!

More Great news !!!!
The Boathouse at Emerald Lake plans to be OPEN for the winter season! They will start just before Christmas to rent ski packages and snow shoes again. Drop in and say Hello to Kym Chapman who will manage the store & rentals…..she worked for us year ago and we are all so happy to have her back. Kym lives in Field! Denise will be there also and you may even see me there hanging around…..hard to stay away!
See our Winter Rentals Page for regular hours, Holiday specific hours and opening date. and sign up with your email for automatic updates….
Parks Canada trail crew have been clearing the trails, setting up bridges and now we just need a whole lot of snow! Buffalo NY got it all !!!
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YOHO 2022/2023
Welcome once again to winter wonderland.
The snow is working it’s way in. We got 20 cms overnight— to start! Time to dig out those woolies & find your “skees” and bits & pieces.
The BIG change with The Club this winter — Parks Canada Trail Crew will be taking over the track setting of ski trails in Yoho! I don’t have any start dates but reckon early Dec.?? I will try to keep you updated and…
You can check the current Parks website for winter trail conditions in Yoho(the link is on our home page—on the right side towards the bottom)…and Parks staff are working on a NEW format for a winter trail report— to come out in early December. Stay tuned….
I will still be doing the odd post on KHSC and try to find a new direction for the Club…..your ideals are welcomed…..please. Hopefully someone local will want to take over the Club and make something of it.
We are keeping the website going—I am in the process of making changes to the older information.
We will not collect membership fees this winter(though we may down the road). Transition & changes take time. I have some exciting news to tell you about our coach Jessica….in the next post. Stay tuned. MT
Thursday…March 27
I spoke too soon….that was one morning on the crust….the nights have been too mild since ! Gotta wait till it freezes pretty good at night for the crust to be supportive. Coming soon….. The trails are pretty good once they soften up a wee bit. Had one sunny gorgeous day!