Trail grooming

Yoho Valley Road got tracked on Monday the 10th Feb. ******Joe is working the trail from Info to ALL around Emerald today and it is SNOWING!!!**** He’ll be doing it again before the Yoho Challenge on Saturday!!!! Ya gotta love it! Lorraine shovelled out the benches at the back of the lake and the back of the fan today also!!! Thank you Lorraine xxx

“The Connector” Trail Update, January 5th!

I was the first to ski the Connector this year. The track setting, by Joe, was GREAT, and the conditions fabulous.
I started out at the Natural Bridge and skied to Emerald and back.
The temperature was about -7, and the snow was like silk.
Thank you, everyone, for your effort in opening this trail up! It is a lot of work, but so fantastic when it’s good…
Ski you later,

Connector trail !

Joe groomed and track set from Field Info to All around Emerald yesterday. Bit of a rodeo on the Connector so beware. The ice is getting better on the lake! Kicking Horse is all good as well. He saw a wolf on the flats just past the ball diamond and it ran ahead of him on the track–crossed the highway and off in the bush! Pretty special sighting! Have a good weekend all….we are off to “Wanna be a Woodie?” at Assiniboine Lodge! Skee ya later eh?

It is warm outside!

Yesterday, Monday 27th, we went to Yoho Valley Rd. with our furry friend. The temperature at the trailhead was +2, and even with our waxless skis, the snow was sticky, and we don’t have too much glide. Still, we have a fun few hours, and we had the trail all to ourselves.

Joe and Flint did a fantastic job only a few days ago track setting the road, but unfortunately, a few ski touring friends forgot that the track is to fat skis.
