Feb. 9 update

Joe fixed our renovator—THANK YOU JOE– and set new tracks on the Horse Trail, Fan and Lake.
Still pretty darn cold but the afternoons are just beautiful. Enjoy.

Update on Horse Trail

Skied the Horse Trail yesterday and it is quite nice–I imagine the Alluvial Fan will be just as good. Please disregard the comment about this trail from yesterday. Keep warm!


BEST TRACKS—ON the lake ice loop @ Emerald & Field Info to Natural Bridge & all of Kicking Horse Fire Road
AVOID— Horse trail @ Emerald and Connector for now!( We had equipment failure.)
Enjoy the clear skies and sunshine. Marilyn

Great Weekend

Sunny and wonderful temperatures all above -5. All smiles despite the bits of crud and ice.
John just refreshed trails at Emerald and on the Connector this afternoon. Graded the crud out of ’em. He’s off to Baja for a month with a fistful of Helen Read’s cookies.
Ski ya later John!

Keep to WIDE trails

We had a bit of + 1 temperatures late Tuesday afternoon and the trees did some weeping onto the trails—which created some icy sections and needles, branches….. AVOID the Horse TRAIL at Emerald Lake. There is a ski set track on the lake to access the FAN(beyond the usual skidoo track to get to the Horse Trail).
The Connector track is really quite good, a bit faster with small sections of crusty stuff from the trees. We recommend skiing on WIDE trails/roads that are NOT affected by tree crud. The Tally-Ho to the Natural Bridge is great. The Kicking Horse Fire road is nicely ski set and should be fine. The tree falling project is still happening at the Natural Bridge so parking is again an issue……park on the side of the road as before —when they did not have the parking lot ploughed. The trail is open!
I guess we have to pay for that beautiful weather and sunshine somehow!!