March 30

Field got 6″ of soft snow — so likely Emerald got a foot!  Trails will be ski set today–enjoy the powder. Too warm and sticky to track set. Last grooming was Friday morning-March 28th and only in the Emerald Lake area.  Beautiful tracks and it will be fine to break trail today. The Connector was only track set to 2 kms. or to the bridge on the Emerald River. The Bridge is to skinny to drive the sled over and risk damaging it. It’s close to ending for track setting but in a couple of days we will have crust again which will be fantastic for off trail!


Caution on Lake Ice–open holes

John re-tracked Emerald Trails yesterday. Stay off the usual left hand side of the ice trail leading straight to the back. There is a trail on shore–very close to the trees and the Horse Trail to get you to the back to avoid the section with these 2 open holes(which are likely frozen today but will reappear soon).  Good cold dry snow now!  Enjoy it while it lasts.  We skied the Connector a few days ago and it was just lovely — except for the very FAST    Re-Connector section.  There is NO shame in WALKING that section!


John was up early and re-tracked Emerald Trails, did a loop-ti-loop around the open spring holes on the ice, tracked the Connector and the Kicking Horse.  Now’s your chance to get one more lovely ski in. He did not do the  section to Field cause it still looked OK and he knew the end by the Info was almost done. You can always walk the highway section to get on the good trail–or go early with the crust.  Skee ya later……

March 18th–not all tracks done yet.

The old tracks were too hard to set again—so we put a new track on the lake ice. It is lovely except for the warm spring holes opening up. Use caution–half way on the lake on the left hand side! Don’t jump in!!! The horse trail got tracked and turned out beautifully. But–there is a “widow maker” tree hanging onto another tree at the first 1/4 of the trail —after you are up top and it’s on the right . Again–use caution–and get out of the way of it.  —-We could not track the Connector or Kicking Horse due to hard solid snow/icy conditions. We are expecting snow in the next few days and COULD do it then. Also–the trail to the info bureau is deteriorating fast in the valley. Not bad in the trees but on the flats is getting sketchy.  Spring is HERE. Gotta love that sun!


Trail update

All trails leading out of Emerald Lake got PACKED yesterday but it got too warm to track set them.  Hans will do tracks on Tuesday morning—that is the plan!  Enjoy the tracks at Emerald Lake for the meantime.