Natural Bridge!

Hey skiers–Joe got a double track on the Kicking Horse Fire Road AND Parks got the parking lot ploughed out for you to park there too!! Do enjoy!

Been snowing lightly all day!  Emerald Lake is beautifully track set but on the LAKE ONLY!! Any trails around Emerald are NOT packed and a hazzard. Stay on the lake and cruise and enjoy the open air.

Snowing ever so lightly…

Here is the scoop on the KHSC…..Hans tried to set a track on the Emerald Lake FAN and shore yesterday–but there is not quite enough snow yet!!!  Branches, stumps, boulders are not quite covered enough yet to risk wrecking our machine and making it hazardous  for skiers. The LAKE however is perfect for skiing on!  Please stay OFF the shore trails until we get more of a base!

The Kicking Horse Fire Road @ the Natural Bridge has been packed and cleared and is skiable. Again–we are waiting for more snow to set a track. The Tally Ho is in the same condition except that the section from the Field Info Bureau is very bare and rocky from the wind we had way back. It is NOT recommended to ski from that end–but could be skied from the Natural Bridge and back. We will get a track on these trails/roads soon as we could.

Emerald Sports will be open for the season today–stop in and say Hello!  I will keep you posted. Happy Holidays to all.

Dec. 13th, 2014

Greetings to all x-c skiers!
Our trails in Yoho are being packed and brushed and cleared of deadfall and the equipment is getting moved to assigned locations.
The mild weather will make for a good base to hopefully set a track on(except for the lake itself). For now we are skiing up Lake Louise or the Great Divide to get colder snow and tracked conditions. We have not got a track set trail at Emerald Lake yet—waiting for a dump of snow cause we lost some snow to the warm weather.
We are renting snowshoes for now—at Emerald Sports—on weekends. We open full time Dec 20th.
We have however—started the membership list and our total so far is 19! You can mail in your $40.00 per member cheque as per on the website . We will then mail back your card for perks at Emerald Lake Lodge, and soon we will also have our schedule of dates for Moon Light Guided Skis and Free Lessons and Tours.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the snow! It will come! Enjoy preparing for the Holidays!     Marilyn, Bruce & Denise

x-c rentals @ Emerald Sports

We’ve put away the ski rentals for the season but still have snow shoe rentals available. The skiing is still great on the crust in the morning and slushy on tracks in the afternoons. Come on out with your own skis if you’re not ready to bike yet!  Thanks for all the support this past winter!  Marilyn, Bruce, Denise


We just got our 2 new members to make 100 MEMBERS TO DATE !!!!  WOW !!!   That is the best year yet for memberships!!!    Thank you all of you100 skiers for helping us out so much and keeping this good thing going.  We are thrilled!  And this is NOT an April Fools Joke!   What a way to wind down the season!  And the best is yet to come–the sun and the crust skiing. If you have not tried that yet–get on it. Mornings only for off trail!

April Fools on the trail

This is NO joke. The CONNECTOR & the  KICKING HORSE FIRE ROAD just got tracked one more time.  Likely the last time to get the machine on those 2 trails.  And the  tracks along Emerald are super sweet!  Blue wax till noon, arms or wax less skis for PM.  The SUN just makes it perfect!  Come on out– we have enough snow for the whole month of skiing.  Emerald Sports SALE–$100.00 plus tax for selected wax less skis with SNS bindings!!!!