New tracks!

Joe did it ALL today!  There is still slush and icy sections on the lake but all trails are good as can be! Both our Track Setting Machine hydraulics are stuck with the track DOWN so please be very careful on the downhills — walk or snowplough very hard–do  not get your skis stuck in those tracks on the downhills.(or sit)   It’s quite mild and beautiful soft snow….come on down this weekend. It’s also “YOHO BLOW DAZES” this weekend in Field–and–Rick Mercer will be here in town!!!  Come have some fun!  I skied just 2 kms on the Connector after work and saw moose tracks, lynx tracks and pine marten tracks….Nice.! And we put out the bench at the Emerald Creek–can someone help pack that area out if you are skiing by?? Just work it a bit….thanks  Marilyn


Our x-c Dinner will be on Friday, February 20th this year! We are pleased to announce that the SIDING GENERAL STORE graciously accepted the invite to cook the meal for us. Stay tuned for a menu and put it on your calendars!  Book your rooms NOW and make it a ski weekend!


Yesterday–Jan. 3–Joe was able to make a first track on the Connector to the Natural Bridge and also tracked the Kicking Horse. Please be” very careful” on the Connector as it is with minimal snow base and we do not have warning signs up yet. he also refreshed the trails at Emerald and put down a new track on the lake shore(just off the lake) down below the Horse Trail–to avoid THE SLUSH  that is pooling on the ICE!  Avoid the trails on the ice.  And Happy New Year!

Ho Ho Ho

Guess we’ve ALL been good boys and girls–we got the best Christmas present ever!!!

8 t 10″ overnite–what a sight to wake up to!!  Track setter Joe beat us to work and was snorkelling and loving it.  So–all new tracks at Emerald (except for the Connector) and then he headed down the road to the Natural Bridge to do the Kicking Horse Fire Road and the Tally Ho towards Field. Still a bit iffy between the highway and the Info Bureau so he only packed it which makes it passable and sets a new good base.   Do have a wonderful Christmas on your skis or however…..Thank you Santa!!!!

Things are looking up!

Emerald got a few more trails today!  With the new snow Joe was able to set an “initial” track on the Horse Trail and the Fan and put another track on the lake!  It was getting down to the crunch before the crowds come but it’s done. A few tricky spots to iron out but really quite sweet. If anyone wants to set up the bench at the far back of the fan–be our guest and have a sit!  All in time for Christmas holidays!!!   Have fun hey….