So it was my pleasure to meet up with your husband Bruce, one of the coolest guy I encountered so far in the rockies 🙂 I was actually chasing him for a while trying to meet him in Louise at the guide cabin knowing from other locals that he was a true nordic skier that appreciate the wood planks. Being a wooden ski advocate my self and an avid collector this “rencontre” for me was an awesome experience, exchanging with a fellow skier and getting precious knowledge from a true ski master. I actually tried the Landsem skis in Chester Lake K-country yesterday and they were great, tell Bruce he was right that good wooden skis that have big camber give you better response in the trail, lots of pop.
My girl friend and I are honoured by the fact that you want to put our names down on your Trail of Skees program, when Bruce introduced me to the concept I thought this was brilliant, good incentive for a ski club fundraising. So I would like it to be: Cedric and Marianne LeBlanc, Mont-Tremblant QC. Hope this fits in the layout.
Sorry for my english, still a bit shaky even after 10 years of living out here.
I hope we get to meet in a trail some day, “Ski you later” Cedric and Mari
PS: I’ve attached some pictures, just for your viewing pleasure. Cedric LeBlanc