Email from wooden ski enthusiasts!

Hello Marilyn.

So it was my pleasure to meet up with your husband Bruce, one of the coolest guy I encountered so far in the rockies 🙂 I was actually chasing him for a while trying to meet him in Louise at the guide cabin knowing from other locals that he was a true nordic skier that appreciate the wood planks. Being a wooden ski advocate my self and an avid collector this “rencontre” for me was an awesome experience, exchanging with a fellow skier and getting precious knowledge from a true ski master. I actually tried the Landsem skis in Chester Lake K-country yesterday and they were great, tell Bruce he was right that good wooden skis that have big camber give you better response in the trail, lots of pop.

My girl friend and I are honoured by the fact that you want to put our names down on your Trail of Skees program, when Bruce introduced me to the concept I thought this was brilliant, good incentive for a ski club fundraising. So I would like it to be: Cedric and Marianne LeBlanc, Mont-Tremblant QC. Hope this fits in the layout.

Sorry for my english, still a bit shaky even after 10 years of living out here.

I hope we get to meet in a trail some day, “Ski you later”      Cedric and Mari

PS: I’ve attached some pictures, just for your viewing pleasure.       Cedric LeBlanc


It’s Over!!

Rental skis/boot/poles got put away today!  Pretty early but… is life.  We still have snowshoes for a while yet but hard to say if we will be open midweek???

Thank you to all who got through this winter! Enjoy Spring!!!  MT

Bridges are out!!!

Our groomer Joe and his young nephew….took advantage of the day and together pulled out the bridges on the fan and on the Connector where it spans the Emerald River–just 2 kms. down from Emerald Lake. He also hung up the benches at the back of the fan and pulled out all the signs he could find. It’s looking like the end but the snow is still there for the hardy–and we may get fresh stuff yet. Murphy’s Law hey??  I hope we do! I personally did not get enough soft snow skiing this winter!    We will remain open for snowshoe rentals until Easter weekend. Thanks to everyone with all the support for the Ski Club. Marilyn, Denise & Bruce

Great tracks are back

Skied the Kicking Horse Trail  to the end @ 4 pm and it was FANTASTIC after Joe was able to set it again–finally–after our 3 week dry /hard and cold spell!!!  It’s finally warmed and the snow is soft and though you break through off trail–it is great on our trails right now. This may be the final weekend for us so get out there and enjoy.Universal  Klister was working awesome, as the Waxless skis would too. He did the Connector and the Tally Ho also—but the flats at Field are pretty bare.  As far as Emerald—the lake is getting pretty wet! Still passable but you may want to take your chances and carefully slip under the avalanche path to get to the trails.–and we mean  careful !!! The fan & Horse Trail are still in good conditions…..Careful of the one high bridge on the fan too……..Enjoy the last of it. Spring skiing at it’s best     Marilyn

New tracks finally!!!

OK–what a weird winter hey? Now it’s + 8-9 and going isothermic off track but….Joe did get out there today and reset the Fan, Horse Trail and Treehugging trail at Emerald.  The lake is showing blue!! Got some puddles –but not all is lost. Had a great ski out there late afternoon!  Klister is good,  waxless would be also! And Joe will attempt doing the Connector tomorrow also!!!  Get out the glue–that Universal Klister is fabulous!

And check out the new header for Trail of Skees–on the site here–our webmaster put a picture to click on and you get to know where all those plaques went to?? Thanks again for donating towards the Club. Marilyn


It’s been a while–with this dry 3 week cold spell after the moist, warm wet spell!  Believe it or not–we still have snow!  And the tracks are holding up fairly well with the cold. They are FAST but still pretty good. Use CAUTION! The LAKE surface is getting better for ski skating on(or classical skiing) and you can get an edge now. Caution on the old icy hard trail that leads away from the avalanche path. It’s good to go everywhere else–even the crust off track on the fan and along the Kicking Horse River Trail. We are hopeful there will be great spring skiing yet to come–with NEW white stuff!!!!

Read the last post with the info on our Ski Club Dinner… was FANTASTIC!