Skier Bob says it ALL !!!

Hi Marilyn,

Happy new year! I thought you might enjoy this


Yesterday –we skied the Alluvial Fan–had lunch at the back bench and then we were rewarded with warm sunshine for a half hour! It was like March! What a treat after that long cold spell. Trails are holding up at Emerald but need refreshing. Hans will get on that before the weekend–we think.
Our Connector trail is passable but high intermediate level–till we get another good dump of snow.
Thank you Bob–for the great write up and thank you Joe for the great trail.
And this morning–we woke up to wind!! Yoho Blow???

Hey skiers—Happy 2016

With many a stride and glide on white fluffy stuff in beautiful tracks! I have been having trouble with getting on our website since before Christmas and have not been able to blog out to you or add the members and donators. Having our webmaster Chris– copy this blog for me.

It warmed up to -11 today—Finally! The tracks have been holding out pretty good with the frigid temps and the blue skies and sunshine were to behold beyond the lofty peaks. Really was magical—everyone loved it! We are due for a bit more snow and the groomers will be happy—and the skiers too.

Next event is the moon ski Friday Jan 22, and then a x-c tour/lesson Sunday Jan. 31. Check the calendar for our Feb. dinner too.

Enjoy the trails and thank you to our 53 members who have already paid up for this year. You rock!

– Marilyn

Trail refresher

Joe groomed from Emerald Lake to Field yesterday afternoon. The CONNECTOR is a bit rough–still needs a good foot of snow to make it good–but is passable with a track on it now. Please use extreme caution. He also did the Kicking Horse Fire Road so we are ready to go!
Last week he packed the Monarch trail which leads from Yoho Trading Post in Field to the Tak. Falls road. Bruce and Boomer followed along to do the pruning of so many twigs that have overgrown in the last 3 years. We now have a “ROUGH” TRAIL(NOT tracked yet) which is DOG FRIENDLY from town –all the way to just before the switchbacks on the Tak. Falls road. It would be good to snowshoe as well–with your puppy(or not).
The initial drop down to the river bed is steep–careful!
The trails at Emerald will be refreshed real soon as well by Hans. We had Joe build us a couple of new signs to hold our donation boxes and they are going up today.
We wish each and every one of you a wonderful, peaceful, white Christmas with many happy trails. Stop in for a visit at the store. Marilyn, Bruce & Denise

Tree Hugging Trail complete

You can now ski all the way to the benches on the Tree Hugging Trail without climbing onto the walking trail. Hans was there to finish it off. He is due to do the direct Ice trail tomorrow–to get to the back also. Things are looking really good–bring on the Holidays and let’s ski!